Thursday, October 23, 2008

tHe MiRaCLe oF SMilE

Reasons To Smile

Hmm, do you like to smile???do you know how to smile..I'm sure that if you have a smile your face will look more beautiful and very wonderful person.

Do you know why we need to smile and do you know that smile is one of the best theraphy??.. This is why yo need to smile :

1. Smilling can makes us attractive.
2. Smilling can change our mood.
3. Smilling is Contagious.
4. Smilling relieve stress.
5. Smilling boots your immune systems
6. Smilling release endorphins, natural pain killers and serotin.
7. Smilling lowers your blood pressure.
8. Smilling lifts the the face and makes you look more younger.
9. Smilling makes you seem successfull
10. Smilling helps you to stay positive.

That how smilling can give you a healthy super duper life ever you can have. So why you let it go if it is very easy to do it.All of this why we need to smile was being search deeply.
So what you waiting now. Come on let's smile now.

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