Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Handphone's Life

Sophia's autobiography...

Hi! My name is Sophia. I am a handphone and my proud owner is the author of this blog.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Japan before I was shipped to Malaysia. I am blasted silver in colour with a black armor on my chest. My genetic code is K750. My family carry the name of the Sony Ericsson. There are those from other clans such as Nokia and Motorola. However, we, handphones do not usually mix with those from outside our clan. I am not sure why but father says that their is fierce rivaly between different clans and I should be proud as my clan carry a good name. Ironically, we share the same ancestors...the Telephone. Being one of the latest models at my time, I was pitted against many other handphones for potential masters.

I was glad when I finally found my master. I always do my best to serve him well in whenever he needs me. Not only that I help him to make important calls, but I also sing to him when he is feeling down and help him to take pictures with my 2.0 Mega PIXEL AUTO FOCUS eye. I also have a impressive memory of 1GB. Furthermore, I help him to remember important dates and organize his daily planner. Thats why my master loves me and brings me along wherever he goes.

Generally, we handphones are a necessity to human beings. They depend on us to do a lot of things. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost everyone has at least a handphone. Sadly, sometimes we get blame for things that is not our fault. I don't understand why some people accuse us for spoiling their language and criminal is activities such as cheating people of their money, spreading lies and pornographic materials. It is not our fault. We are only tools, serving our masters the best we could, whether what they do is right or wrong. It is also saddening and frightening that some of us will get thrown away or traded in for newer models after we serve our masters so loyally for so many years. I hope that it won't happen to me but I trust and have faith that my master will take care of me even when I am in my old age. With regards, Sophia Ericsson.

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