Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Rigorous Effort to Improve English Skills...

Nowadays, english become the number one language in the world where millions people use this language worldwide. In a country like Malaysia, we prefer to use Malay language than english but many efforts done by our government to enhance the using of english in our life daily.
For a student like me who has received a Bachelor's degree in Industry Technology Management D, I need to improve my english so that I can interact and learn more as well my study. Besides that, I'am taking Technical Writting examination this semester to prepare my self with international english usage. In Technical Writing, there are four components that will be test such as listening, speaking, writing and reading. I need to do well in this examination so that i've taken some rigorous efforts in improving my english.Other than that, the task and assignment that lecture (Suriyakumar) has brought to me also important to improve my GPA result.
So far, to improve my reading skill, I read The Star and The New Straits Times newspapaper every day. This english newspapers provide new vocabularies for me and I also can learn how the writer use words and arrange sentences in their news. Besides that, I also read english magazines such as Four Four Two and articles in internet. The exercises given by my lecture, Sir Suriyakumar, also help me in improving my reading skills.
To improve my writing skills I always try to do all the essay exercises given and update my blog. This effort help me think wider than the ordinary border and sharpen my writing skills.
Listening and speaking skills always come in one package where I use to communicate with people around me in english. Activities such as listening to radio, songs and news also enhance my skills besides doing activities from the internet.

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