Thursday, April 9, 2009

OUr HijaB.....

The hair is the crowning glory of every women. Our long hair professes our beauty and most powerful of our image. Our eyes speaks louder than our voice. Our voice speaks louder than our body. Our body is the very case of our being. Our softness is a blessing from Allah, the Creator. But this beauty becomes a medium for sinful eyes. Allah is indeed Merciful and our Protector. Alhamdullilah for Hijab...Niqab...and Burqah... Truly the identity of every Muslimah.
Hijab, a covering that implies inner and outer modesty. It is quite impossible to see the inside when one observe the outside. Hijab is not some kind of culture or racial identity. Rather our hijab is the identity required by Allah. "Oh Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women so as not to be annoyed.)" (Ahzaab 59)
A Muslimah are accused of having a " fish brain " because of our hijab. We are accused of being a " terrorist " because of our hijab. We are accused of being an "Arab" because of our hijab. We are accused of being an "oppressed "creature because of our hijab. We are accused of living our lives in the "past" because of our hijab. We are accused of being over protective of our body because of our hijab. We are accuse of many thing because of our hijab. Is this the reason why some of our claiming Muslimah abandoned hijab?
Without the hijab , we are completely stripped naked. Without hijab , we are completely oppressed and exploited. Without hijab, we are disrespected by those sinful eyes. Without hijab , we are treated just exactly as a non Muslim. Without hijab, we lost our outer modesty, more so affects our inner modesty. Without hijab, we are susceptible in inviting sin ourselves.
Hijab is every Muslimah's shield. The very identity that tells a Muslimah that ," she is another Muslimah", one who pleases Allah by following his commandments. Hijab serves as a form of dawah for us. It reminds another Muslimah that this is our true identity. It reminds the whole world that a Muslimah is a unique individual incomparable to other women.
Hijab is what makes a Muslimah. The very identity of the Muslimaat.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The International Space Station (ISS) is a research facility currently being assembled in space. The building of ISS started in 1998. The station is in a low Earth orbit and can be seen from Earth with the naked eye: its altitude varies from 319.6 km to 346.9 km above the surface of the Earth (approximately 199 miles to 215 miles). It travels at an average speed of 27,744 km (17,240 miles) per hour, completing 15.7 orbits per day. The ISS is a joint project between the space agencies of the United States (NASA), Russia (RKA), Japan (JAXA), Canada (CSA) and several European countries (ESA).

The Brazilian Space Agency (AEB, Brazil) participates through a separate contract with NASA. The Italian Space Agency similarly has separate contracts for various activities not done in the framework of ESA's ISS works (where Italy also fully participates). China has reportedly expressed interest in the project, especially if it is able to work with the RKA. The Chinese are not currently involved.

The ISS is a continuation of what began as the U.S. Space Station Freedom, the funding for which was cut back severely. It represents a merger of Freedom with several other previously planned space stations: Russia's Mir 2, the planned European Columbus and Kibo, the Japanese Experiment Module. The projected completion date is 2010, with the station remaining in operation until around 2016. As of 2007, the ISS is already larger than any previous space station.

The ISS has been continuously inhabited since the first resident crew entered the station on November 2, 2000, thereby providing a permanent human presence in space. The crew of Expedition 15 are currently aboard. The station is serviced primarily by Russian Soyuz and Progress spacecraft and by U.S. Space Shuttle orbiters. At present the station has a capacity for a crew of three. Early crewmembers all came from the Russian and U.S. space programs. German ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter joined the Expedition 13 crew in July 2006, becoming the first crewmember from another space agency. The station has, however, been visited by astronauts from 14 countries. The ISS was also the destination of the first five space tourists.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Handphone's Life

Sophia's autobiography...

Hi! My name is Sophia. I am a handphone and my proud owner is the author of this blog.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Japan before I was shipped to Malaysia. I am blasted silver in colour with a black armor on my chest. My genetic code is K750. My family carry the name of the Sony Ericsson. There are those from other clans such as Nokia and Motorola. However, we, handphones do not usually mix with those from outside our clan. I am not sure why but father says that their is fierce rivaly between different clans and I should be proud as my clan carry a good name. Ironically, we share the same ancestors...the Telephone. Being one of the latest models at my time, I was pitted against many other handphones for potential masters.

I was glad when I finally found my master. I always do my best to serve him well in whenever he needs me. Not only that I help him to make important calls, but I also sing to him when he is feeling down and help him to take pictures with my 2.0 Mega PIXEL AUTO FOCUS eye. I also have a impressive memory of 1GB. Furthermore, I help him to remember important dates and organize his daily planner. Thats why my master loves me and brings me along wherever he goes.

Generally, we handphones are a necessity to human beings. They depend on us to do a lot of things. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost everyone has at least a handphone. Sadly, sometimes we get blame for things that is not our fault. I don't understand why some people accuse us for spoiling their language and criminal is activities such as cheating people of their money, spreading lies and pornographic materials. It is not our fault. We are only tools, serving our masters the best we could, whether what they do is right or wrong. It is also saddening and frightening that some of us will get thrown away or traded in for newer models after we serve our masters so loyally for so many years. I hope that it won't happen to me but I trust and have faith that my master will take care of me even when I am in my old age. With regards, Sophia Ericsson.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Transport & Tourism

The variety of transports today make us easier to move from one place to another especially far place and public transport especially play the main role in our country especially in tourism. There are many types of transport including in public transportation such as taxi, train, aeroplane, buses and many more.

In big city such as Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, using buses and train can reduce the traffic jam, help to keep away the air pollution and we also can save the money by using this mode of transportation. But the bus company in Malaysia need to repair their services such as use new buses to attract tourist during visit Malaysia year especially.

Before this I went to Pulau Perhentian and Pulau Redang in Terengganu and I used two different boat when I go and came back from there. The first one is big size boat and second one is speed boat where it is much faster than first one. There are also many tourist used theis transport and most of them satisfied with the services.

For the conclusion, government need to take care of our public transportation and repair their services if they want to serve better to community and attract more tourist to Malaysia.

Different Aspect Of Culture

Word "culture" came from the Latin 'cultura' stemming from 'colere', meaning to cultivate, generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significant importance. Different definitions of "culture" reflect different theoretical and the culture of peoples theirselves around the world. In Malaysia, culture is manifested in music, literature, painting and sculpture, theater and film. For example we have 'dikir barat'(music), 'mak yong' and 'wayang kulit'(theater) and many more. We also can see many differences in culture between ethnics lived in Malaysia (Malays, Indians, Chinese, and many more).
Besides that, in defining culture there are several definitions including :-
-Culture as civilization
-Culture as worldview

-Culture as symbols
-Culture as a stabilizing mechanism
-Culture and evolutionary psychology

Besides that,there are three kinds of influence cause both change and resistance to culture such as:-forces at work within a society
-contact between societies
-changes in the natural environment

But in Malaysia there are many steps taken by government to keep our culture alive and with that steps we can attract tourist by show our culture in international events.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

what are new gadget?

A camera is a device used to capture images, as still photographs or as sequences of moving images. The term as well as the modern-day camera evolved from the camera obscura, Latin for "dark chamber", an early mechanism for projecting images, in which an entire room functioned as a real-time imaging system. The camera obscura was first invented by the Iraqi scientist Alhazen and described in his Book of Optics (1011-1021).[1English scientists Robert Boyle and Robert Hooke later invented a portable camera obscura in 1665-1666.

Cameras may work with the light of the visible spectrum or with other portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. A camera generally consists of some kind of enclosed hollow, with an opening or aperture at one end for light to enter, and a recording or viewing surface for capturing the light at the other end. Most cameras have a lens positioned in front of the camera's opening to gather the incoming light and to focus the image, or part of the image, on the recording surface. The diameter of the aperture is often controlled by a diaphragm mechanism, but some cameras have a fixed-size aperture.

Traditional cameras capture light onto photographic film or photographic plate. Video and digital cameras use electronics, usually a charge coupled device (CCD) or sometimes a CMOS sensor to capture images which can be transferred or stored in tape or computer memory inside the camera for later playback or processing.

Cameras that capture many images in sequence are known as movie cameras or as ciné cameras in Europe; those designed for single images are still cameras. However these categories overlap, as still cameras are often used to capture moving images in special effects work and modern digital cameras are often able to trivially switch between still and motion recording modes. A video camera is a category of movie camera which captures images electronically (either using analogue or digital technology).

Stereo camera can take photographs that appear "three-dimensional" by taking two different photographs which are combined to create the illusion of depth in the composite image. Stereo cameras for making 3D prints or slides have two lenses side by side. Stereo cameras for making lenticular prints have 3, 4, 5, or even more lenses. Some film cameras feature date imprinting devices that can print a date on the negative itself.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire's kids?

By the way doncha think the Slumdog Millionaire's kids look super adorable during Oscar? The boy at the most left and the small girl in front is actually from the Mumbai slum, handpicked by the director himself. And they actually live a very hard life but now they get to be stars at Oscar! I saw the kids being interviewed and love seeing them so enthusiastic and showing their autograph book. ... how lucky there are,

im hope, im too...kehkehkeh...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rihanna is so way better off without Chris Brown but what the hell has been thinking???!!?

Rihanna and Chris Brown is back together.

What in the world has she been thinking? Urgh! She should instead pretend to be baik with Chris Brown and then during the quiet of the night, slip off quietly and do a Lorena Bobbitt and slash off the guy's *toot*. Kehkeh..Cruel I know, but that's what you deserve for hitting a girl!

Haha. Anyway sorry for the short entry. On a leave today. Ciao!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Waiting for SPM results was something that I will never ever forget

Last week(12/o3/2009) , was SPM day. I got a younger brother who got his results last week, and a causin who also got his STAM (Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia) too. And they both passed with flying colours..hurray! Eh alhamdulillah la patutnya..haha.

My causin and a smaller + chubbier version of Husayn

Anyway I remember mine which was around 4 years ago. I remember expecting to fail English since I really sucked at English and I usually don't have the motivation to even make myself understand all those equation. Did you know that before SPM I have never even passed my English exam, how bad is it. My older brother taught at the same school as mine but she did not teach me (she did teach my class once for 2 months when I was in Form 4 though!). I got SAP (which equals to flunk) for all my Form 4 exam. During Form 5 I took extra subject which was Pendidikan Seni to avoid that SAP thing and I studied that subject by myself, no tuition whatsoever. Kehkeh.

My favourite subject? Mathematic and History of course. I got confused a lot when I learned Science which was why I avoid from going into Science stream at all cost. I also ponteng a lot on the days leading to SPM just because I want to study at home. Haha. In fact a few times I came to school, and then I went back through the back gate at 9am, and this is all done while my older brother was at school of course. And I did inform his everytime I want to cabut... Kehkeh...

On SPM day I was a wreck. I cannot imagine how my mother would react, relatives and teachers and friends. But I got over my wreck as soon as I saw my results. Whoopee! I even passed my English though it's not exactly A1, but I was so grateful that I screamed at my English teacher "Teacher, I passed my English!" and then hugged her. The icing on the cake was hearing my father speaking proudly on the phone to some relatives of mine (I was pretending to be asleep! Haha) about my SPM results. And to hear my father praise because of good exam results are so very rare! Haha...

I guess, SPM day was indeed a day to remember. But then I think if you don't do so well, it's not the end of the world either!

Monday, March 16, 2009

when THe TruTH BecoMe LiEs...

I want to say so many things
But I hold them to myself for so many reasons
When truth become lies
And lies are what they believe
Then the truth will just remain
As it is
Undiscovered not wanting to be recovered
Forced to hold my silence
Counting my patience
My emotions
Are now numb
Though I don't feel dumb
When I say believe me and they don't
When they question me I say don't
They told me marvellous tales
And never hold them as told
I get frustrated
When their lies are lies
And my truth are also lies
So I'd rather keep it to myself
And enjoy the bliss found in silence
For that's when I found my happiness
When I started being patient
I lose nothing when I lost everything
And I gained more than what I've been praying

Ennie, you bring me happiness..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Financial Matters: BUDGET

According to Wikipedia, word budget origin from French bougette. This words refers to money planning in order it will be spent over a period of time. There are many types of budget such as government budget, family budget, corporate budget and many more.

Recently, Malaysian Goverment announced the latest budget for 2008 that will make many people smiling. One of the main aspect touched in 2008 budget is academic where schooling will be totally free in Malaysia. Besides that, our government also will spend RM782 million for skills traning especially for single mother. This fact show us that Malaysian Government never neglect women in developing our country. Moreover, government also will spend million Ringgit in welfare and settle the poverty in our main state.

So, as a Malaysian we need to thanks especially to our Prime Minister because he did an excellent job in developing our country and also take care of our welfare with the latest Government budget.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Silat - The Malaysian Heritage

From wikipedia,silat or pencak silat is a southeast Asian martial art with it comes from the malays root.This art is widely known in Malaysia,Indonesia,Thailand,The Philippine,Brunei and Singapore.It also can found in Cambodia and Laos in varying degrees among the Malays afflicted communities.The art is also reached Europe especially in The Netherlands.It is estimated that there are hundreds of styles and thousands of schools teach about silat.Many of the styles is observation from the characteristics of animal such as tiger,snake,eagle and such other examples.

Seni silat is based in four parts.To be simplified,silat is based in culture,self defense,weaponry and sport.From the observations,silat is god for health,mental and spirituals.Pencak silat is aims to build and develop personalities,Nobel character and honour,just like other martial arts.Silat is well known to self defence.Since silat is one of the martial arts,its can use to protect us from the strangers or criminals.Its also can improve our self confidence and perseverance skill.From the culture and arts parts,we know that to arts performing is important to silat.This combines silat with traditional music and costumes.for the final parts,silat is based in sport.This means that the physical aspects is important in this martial arts.

Like any others martial arts,silat use a weapon along with human body.Examples of the weapon is keris(dagger),pedang(sword),machete,javelin,sticks and others.For the conclusion,everyone must know al least one martial arts to protect themselves or to make their more discipline.It also can improve our confidence if with social with community and can found many of friend.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Rigorous Effort to Improve English Skills...

Nowadays, english become the number one language in the world where millions people use this language worldwide. In a country like Malaysia, we prefer to use Malay language than english but many efforts done by our government to enhance the using of english in our life daily.
For a student like me who has received a Bachelor's degree in Industry Technology Management D, I need to improve my english so that I can interact and learn more as well my study. Besides that, I'am taking Technical Writting examination this semester to prepare my self with international english usage. In Technical Writing, there are four components that will be test such as listening, speaking, writing and reading. I need to do well in this examination so that i've taken some rigorous efforts in improving my english.Other than that, the task and assignment that lecture (Suriyakumar) has brought to me also important to improve my GPA result.
So far, to improve my reading skill, I read The Star and The New Straits Times newspapaper every day. This english newspapers provide new vocabularies for me and I also can learn how the writer use words and arrange sentences in their news. Besides that, I also read english magazines such as Four Four Two and articles in internet. The exercises given by my lecture, Sir Suriyakumar, also help me in improving my reading skills.
To improve my writing skills I always try to do all the essay exercises given and update my blog. This effort help me think wider than the ordinary border and sharpen my writing skills.
Listening and speaking skills always come in one package where I use to communicate with people around me in english. Activities such as listening to radio, songs and news also enhance my skills besides doing activities from the internet.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I"ve been up all night!

February! February!february!!! It may be a short month, but I have a feeling that it will be spectacular! l 've a story to tell u all..what i"ve doing at 1st February 2009 (8days ago)

How could I sleep when so much has been going on in the sports world!?

I was up all night watching the amazing 5 set Australian Open between Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer. I was leaning more towards Roger to win, but I just wanted a good match between both of them. They are incredible athelets! It was such a heartbreak to see how Federer sort of broke down in the end and lost to Nadal, but Nadal did put up a big fight. I felt a huge ball in my throat when Federer couldn't complete his acceptance speech the first time around because he got too choked up, I thought he was about to announce his retirement! I was screamimg "NO!!" at the T.V., but his second time around he came out, and said "See you next year" and I could finally breathe! Serena killed Dinara Safina in her finals. She was on fire! She played incredible! I didn't see much of that match though.


How some people know, me and her have made it up now, since 26 of November. I'm so glad for that because among few people, she is the one that makes me really happy all the moment. When he phones me, when he makes me angry because he's said something silly... a lot of this little things that each day makes me feel better. I know that it's disconcerted because we were toghether for four months and after we broke. But now I think that it's going to be better, because when you returns, it's more enthusiastically. ( I can't writte good, because my leg..was injurt now) Well, I only want to say that I'm really happy, even thought we broke for a hard things, I hope that now all is going to be allright. ;)

see you soon =)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Here’s what we should do. it’s simple: list down 5 of the products from the list below that you are boycotting, and then list down 5 of the products that you will try your best to boycott, and finally list another 5 of the products that you find it hard to boycott, and tag 5 others.
this tag is to get everyone to read the list below carefully and identify which products affects your life and the lives of the Palestinians most! You can also compare your list with your friends and see: if they can boycott one product that you haven’t been boycotting, why can’t you start to boycott the product too?

[A] 5 produk yang saya BOIKOT

1 - Intel (percaya tak? ;p)

2 - Coca Cola

3 - Starbucks

4 - Lancome

5 - kitkat (coklat 2 le...)

[B] 5 produk yang saya CUBA BOIKOT

1 - LEVI'S (levi's siam xpe ..:-0))

2 - Nestle (aiskrim nestle tak boleh beli lagi la ni)

3 - KFC

4 - McD (selamat tinggal fries gulung2 ;p)

5 - Pizza HuT

[C] 5 produk yang SUSAH BOIKOT

1 - Maggi (pasni beli ruski ja la tu kn)

2 - Filem2 20th century Fox

3 - Nokia (yg pasti tidak akan beli la produknya)

4 - Disney

5 - J&J (ni yg payah, produknya terlalu mendominasi pasara

Banyak lagi kan barang-barang nak kena boikot. Tapi, setelah di analisis.. InsyaAllah, Aku boleh boikot semuanya tu


KESALAHAN PERTAMA : Aurat itu adalah memakai tudung sahaja.

KESALAHAN KEDUA : Bertudung tetapi ber‘T-Shirt' berlengan pendek.

KESALAHAN KETIGA : Bertudung tetapi baju kebarungnya terbelah kainnya.

KESALAHAN KEEMPAT : Bertudung tetapi bajunya sendat, sempit dan nipis lalu memaparkan bentuk kawasan-kawasan mudah ‘menggoda'.

KESALAHAN KELIMA : Bertudung tetapi amat longgar dan menayangkan jambul dan hujung rambutnya.

KESALAHAN KEENAM : Bertudung tetapi hanya memakainya di pejabat sahaja. Tidak di sekitar rumah, pasaraya dan sebagainya.

KESALAHAN KETUJUH : Bertudung tetapi tudungnya dilempar ke belakang leher, maka terdedahlah dadanya dari ditutupi kain tudung.

KESALAHAN KELAPAN : Bertudung tetapi dengan tudung yang amat nipis sehingga boleh diihat sanggul, leher, tengkuk dan dadanya.

New Meanings for Old Words

  • Acupuncture, n., a jab well done.
  • Adult, n., a person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle.
  • Beauty Parlor, n., a place where women curl up and dye.
  • Cannibal, n., someone who is fed up with people.
  • Chicken, n., the only animal we eat before it is born and after it is dead.
  • Committee, n., a body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.
  • Dust, n., mud with the juice squeezed out.
  • Egotist, n., someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.
  • Handkerchief, n., cold storage.
  • Inflation, n., cutting money in half without damaging the paper.
  • Mosquito, n., an insect that makes you like flies better.
  • Raisin, n., grape with a sunburn.
  • Secret, n., something you tell to one person at a time.
  • Skeleton, n., a collection of bones with the person scraped off.
  • Toothache, n., the pain that drives you to extraction.
  • Tomorrow, n., one of the greatest labor saving devices of today.
  • Yawn, n, an honest opinion openly expressed.
  • Wrinkle, n., something other people have; I have character lines.